I enjoy these older ads because they are about the message and do not rely on just pictures to sell the car. The text of this ad states:
In a Nation of Engineers, Bad Cars Don’t Sell.
In Sweden, precision is a national preoccupation.
The smallest unit of measurement in the world is the Swedish Angstrom. There’s one ten-millionth of a millimeter to every Angstrom.
A Swedish engineer developed the block gauge. A precision instrument that allowed a famous man from Detroit to enter into mass production of cars.
Today, Sweden is often referred to as a nation of engineers. Engineering is the largest industry, employing nearly 40% of the total labor force.
At Volvo alone, there are 517 engineers And only 27 stylists.
We have to put a lot of emphasis on engineering.
Since Volvo is the largest-selling car in Sweden, a lot of our customers are engineers too.
We build them the way we build them because we have to.
See the Dealer Nearest You and Test Drive a Volvo with Electronic Fuel Injection. Overseas Delivery Available. 1972 Volvo, Inc.