I am pleased with the fact that Netflix is slowly adding movies to their Watch Now collection. Initially it seemed like the only real choices were between a few aging BBC favorites and The Philadelphia Experiment 2. It is starting to become a place where I might actually be able to use the 24 hours of on-demand time that they have allotted me.
When trying to watch some of this newer content, I have run into an interesting issue. When I try to play a popular movie like The Core, it plays without issue. It takes less that a minute and then just loads right up. When trying to watch a less popular title, in this case The Girl from Monday, I get an error message from Netflix that prompts, “Your Internet Connection is too slow for immediate playback.”
This message makes me wonder if Netflix is just missing an error message for, “Sorry this movie is not available right now” or are they actually expecting the average internet user to be browsing in with a download speed of greater than 6 Mb/s. If so, it would be nice if they could tell me just what speed they are looking for. I would really like to know.
Maybe I am overestimating what my cable modem is capable of. I know that there are others with faster connections. Personall I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Verizon’s Fios service so that I can double my current browsing speed. But in the meantime, if my present download speed is good enough to plays just about everything else on the site, why should I be getting this prompt at all?